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Aromatherapy and ADD/ADHD

ADD/ADHD and Essential Oils

ADD/ADHD and Essential Oils June 11, 2004 9:55 PM

This case study was conducted for two years, from 1999-2001. Using Children between the ages of 6 to 12 years. Twenty subjects not diagnosed withADD/ADHD were used as the control group. Twenty subjects with a confirmed diagnoses of ADD/ADHD were used as the study group.

Each group was pre-tested using a baseline evaluation with real time EEG and The T.O.V.A. Scale.The essential oils chosen for the case study were Lavender, Vetiver,Cedarwood and Brain Power (a blend of Frankincense, Sandalwood, Melissa, Cedarwood, Blue Cypress, Lavender and Helichrysum.)

The oils were administered in this fashion: one of the oils wereadministered by inhalation 3 times a day for 30 days. An inhalation device was also used at night to administer a continuous inhalation of oil.The subject then inhaled when needed, about 3 times during the day when they began to feel "scattered".

The inhalation of the oils proved to settle the brainwaves back into normal patterns and improved their scholasticperformance and behavioral patterns.Each subject was tested on each oil for 30 days and then reevaluated bytesting. Then another oil was used for 30 days and reevaluated, until each of the oils had been tested. Lastly, oil combinations were used, each for a 30 day period. (Brain Power with Lavender, with Cedarwood, and Vetiver.)

The final results were: Lavender increased performance by 53%, Cedarwood increased performance by 83% and Vetiver increased performance by 100%

You can buy those Essential Oils here!!
ADHD blend available!!

Michelle Hudson-Owner
We are here to offer you the highest quality products.


Muscle-Spasm Headache Relief This formula is great for easing muscle-spasm headaches. What you need: 2 drops peppermint 1 drop rosemary 1 oz. carrier oil such as sweet almond oil How to: Add the peppermint and rosemary to the carrier oil. Rub on pulse points or on back of neck.

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