is the art of "dowsing?" Dowsing is when persons who, through an ancient practice, use a technique called dowsing (or divining)
to find water, grave sites, sacred locations, geopathic zones and universal answers. Dowsing is done through the use of rods
made up of sticks, L-rods, or hanger wire to geomanticaly find the placement of both secular and spiritual structures. Honoring
relationships between human consciousness and the Spirit of Place, dowsing is done to locate and harmonically mold areas between
physical and spiritual environment. Dowsing means paying special attention to where earth energies are, as this is where the
molding begins to take shape.
Dowsing is practiced through gripping the rods in a firm manner, while pointing the
index finger down about a half-inch or more from the top of the handles. Now, with a rod in each hand, the individual who
is dowsing will then bend his arms at an approximate 90-degree angle while pointing the rods away from his/her body, and uniform
to the earth. Positioning the rods slightly down towards the ground, dowsing is almost ready to begin. Depending on his/her
method of dowsing, a dowser may hold the rods in the form of an "X," horizontally side by side, or pointed at one another.
Treading lightly upon the ground, the person who is dowsing will allow himself to be steered or guided by the rods. Sometimes,
one or both rods will move.
In any event, dowsing will emit cosmic results based upon where the rods may lead. Dowsing
may uncover answers to health questions and geomantic sites through the Divine. Dowsing is an art that can be practiced by
professional dowsers and novices alike.