Essential oils, like vegetable oils, are rapidly absorbed into the skin. Therefore,
massage is a very effective way of introducing them into the body. They have physiological effects on the body and can influence
blood pressure, regulate nerve function, aid digestion and so on. All essential oils are anti-bacterial.
It is known that essential oils can effect our mental and emotional states. We
respond to other senses because the olfactory nerves pass directly from the nose to the limbic system, which is the emotional
control center of the brain.
The Pure Experience
Each time you smell an essential oil, you are breathing some of it into your system. Its therapeutic effects stem from
its molecular structure; and since the structures of natural oils differ radically from those of synthetics, it’s important
to use only pure, natural oils.
Most of the oils sold in bath shops have been diluted, and don’t come near the concentration of the pure oils.
A surprising number of these are synthetic, substituting chemical compounds for the rare and costly natural essences.
For a safe, healthful experience,
use only pure, natural essential oils.
Earthwise offers, 100 percent natural oils. They’re never diluted, never artificial.
Because of their purity and high concentrations, essential oils are most effective in small quantities. More is not necessarily
better. Excessive doses can negate or even reverse their therapeutic effects. So please, exercise restraint and remember:
A little goes a long way.
Helpful Hints
There are approximately 80 to 100 drops in a teaspoon
Add 1 to 9 drops of essential oil to your humidifier water
Add 1/2 cup baking soda and 3 drops lemons oil to deodorize
a vacuum cleaner bag, shoes, etc.