Diabetes Research and Imformation In my town I formualte foot care products for our local Diabetese
Center. I inform them of the newest research and developments and about the foot care I deveolpe myself to help ease the discomfort
in their feet. I also attended this year's Diabetse Expo 2005! It was a wonderful experience, My products were welcomed with open arms, and the
booths all offered something very special for those who have diabetse, and also testing was done for Diabetse as well. A very devoted Diabetese Specialist Ruth Ann Sullivan RN Diabetese Specialist
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Muscle-Spasm Headache Relief This formula is great for easing muscle-spasm headaches. What you need: 2 drops peppermint 1 drop rosemary 1 oz. carrier oil such as sweet almond oil How to: Add the peppermint and rosemary to the carrier oil. Rub on pulse points or on back of neck.